the Dubs
Why don't we wear earplugs?
It's a question we asked ourselves and the answer was simple: earplugs are awkward, look bad and muffle sound. We wanted ear plugs that didn't protrude out of your ears - making them embarrassing to wear at a club or a sports event - and didn't get in the way of your listening experience. Since we couldn't find anything that met our standards, we decided to invent it. Assembling a team of top sound engineers, industrial designers, musicians and creatives, the DUBS team dived headfirst into inventing a superior option for hearing protection. After countless iterations, design improvements and acoustical innovations we finally created something we were proud to share with the world. DUBS Acoustic Filters were introduced on September 23rd. Their launch marks the beginning: the first of a line of audio products that will be forthcoming from Doppler Labs. Stay tuned.
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